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First Aid at Work Questionnaire
1. What is first aid?
2. What are the aims of First Aid?
3. Write some examples of finding History. What do you need to know? What would you ask?
4. When making a written report about an accident, a first aider would use:
a) The Incident book.
b) The Assessment book..
c) The COSSH risk assessment form.
d) The Accident book.
5. How would you recognise severe choking?
a) Person can cough and talk.
b) Person cannot cough or talk.
6. What is the name of the action needed when a spinal injury requires moving to avoid choking?
a) Quick roll.
b) Wood roll.
c) Log roll.
d) Full roll.
7. A casualty suffering from a chest injury should ideally be leaning onto which side?
a) The left side.
b) The best side.
c) The right side.
d) The injured side
8. Write some of the signs and symptoms of concussion that you would look out for after a head injury.
9. An unconscious person should be placed into what position, if safe to do so.?
a) Recover position.
b) Recuperate position.
c) Resolver position.
d) Recovery position.
10. When dealing with child CPR, which is the correct sequence of actions that you should take?
a) Assess, check for response, call for help, start CPR.
b) Assess, check for response, open airway, check breathing, call 999, start CPR.
c) Assess, open airway, check breathing, call 999, start CPR.
d) Assess, check for response, open airway, call 999, start CPR.
11. What is the correct procedure of CPR for an adult?
a) Give x30 compressions and x2 rescue breaths
b) Give x5 initial breaths followed by x30 compressions, then x2 rescue breaths.
c) Only apply x30 compressions.
d) Give x30 compressions, then x5 rescue breaths.
12. How would you help someone suffering an Epilepsy seizure?
13. What would be your reasoning to call for an ambulance?
a) Casualty can't walk or stand due to injury.
b) Casualty has a serious illness, or injury and is suffering.
c) Casualty is deteriorating and it could become life threatening.
d) All of the above.
14. Name the ways a poison can enter the body?
15. With major bleeding, what are your main priorities?
a) Apply pressure to wound, treat for shock and call 999.
b) Clean wound, apply pressure and take to hospital.
c) Bandage wound and call the parents.
d) Bandage wound the send to the GP.
16. With minor bleeding, what are your priorities?
a) Use a plaster to stop bleeding.
b) Run under a tap and apply a plaster.
c) Examine for foreign objects, clean and then cover.
d) Cover immediately
17. Describe how you would recognise Shock, and how would you treat it?
18. What are your priorities when dealing with a suspected fracture?
a) Immobilise injured area and seek further professional medical help/advice.
b) See if they can move their fingers, or toes.
c) Cut off clothing to have a look.
d) Wait until swelling appears.
19. What is the correct treatment for Sprains and Strains?
20. How would you help someone suffering a suspected Heart Attack?
21. Scolds and Dry burns should be cooled using cool water for:
a) Minimum 20 minutes
b) 2 minutes
c) 5 minutes
d) 25 minutes
22. A chemical burn from bleach or another household product should be cooled for at least 20 minutes. You would also read the information sheet, or COSSH for further advice.
23. In a suspected Stroke What does the anonym F.A.S.T mean ?
24. How would you help in a diabetic emergency if they were Hypo (Hypoglycaemic)?
25. How would you help in a diabetic emergency if they were Hyper (Hyperglycaemic)?
26. Someone has fallen from a height and landed on their back. They are conscious and in pain. What EXACTLY do you do?
27. You see someone looking like they will pass out and they are sitting on a chair. What EXACTLY do you do?
28. You find someone lying on the floor, they are not breathing. What EXACTLY do you do?
29. A sudden accident has occured. There is a severe leg wound with blood pouring out. What EXACTLY do you do?
30. You can see that the casualty is in a lot of pain and needs help, but they DO NOT want you to help. What should you do?
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Assessing Display Screen Equipment
Autism Awareness Online
Awareness of Diabetes
Awareness of Epilepsy
Awareness of Mental Health Problems
Basic Fire Safety Awareness
Basic Fire Safety Awareness Care Homes
Basic Food Safety
Basic Legionella Management
Basic Manual Handling.
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Display Screen Equipment
Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Duty of Care
E-learning Course Portfolio
Electrical Safety
Emergency First Aid At Work (Blended learning)
Emergency First Aid at Work Online ( Annual Refresher)
Emergency Life Support – Basic First Aid
End of Life Care
EPFA Open course
Epilepsy Awareness
Equality, Diversity and Discrimination
Evaluation Form
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Marshal
Fire Marshal for Care Homes
Fire Safety Online
Fire Safety Principles
First aid advice
First aid advice – First Aid Kit
First aid advice – Personnel provision
First aid advice – Recording
First aid advice – Workplace
First Aid at Work Questionnaire
First Aid For Schools
First Aid For Sports
First Aid Rangers
First Aid Training
Food Safety
Food Safety for Manufacturing
Food Safety for Retail
Food Safety in Catering
Food Safety Online
HACCP Based Food Safety Systems in Manufacturing
Handling Information in Care
Health & Safety
Health & Social Care
Awareness of Dementia
Health & Social Care Online
Health and Safety in the Workplace
Health and Safety Online
Hoist Training (safe lifting and moving)
In-house Bookings Terms And Conditions
In-House Training Courses
In-house training Courses
In-house Training for Schools
Infection Prevention and Control
Introduction to Early Years FS
Introduction to HACCP
Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers
Introduction to Risk Assessment
Introduction to Safe Handling of Medicines
Learning Disability Awareness
Level 1 Food Safety in Catering
Level 1 Food Safety in Manufacturing
Level 1 Food Safety in Retail
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card)
Level 2 Food Safety in Retail
Level 2 Food Safety in Catering
Level 2 Food Safety Manufacturing
Level 2 Food Safety Retail
Level 3 Emergency First Aid at Work
Level 3 Emergency Paediatric First Aid
Level 3 First Aid at Work Course
Level 3 Paediatric First Aid (2 day)
Level 3. Supervising Food Safety
Licensed Premises Staff Training
Lockdown Procedure in Schools
Managing Medicines
Managing Medicines on School premises
Manual Handling
Manual Handling Risk Assessment
Mental Capacity Act (MCA) & Deprivation of Liberty (DOLs).
Mental Health Awareness
Moving and Handling people
Noise Awareness
Nutrition and Hydration
Online Training For Schools
Our Classroom Courses Portfolio
Our Online Courses Portfolio
Our Online Training Courses
Our Policies and Procedures
Paediatric First Aid Questionnaire
Paediatric First Aid Online
Person Centred Care
Personal Protective Equipment
Positive Handling in Schools
Prevent Duty
Prevention and Control of Infection
Pricing Guide
Principles of Communication
Principles of COSHH Risk Assessment
Principles of Fire Safety Awareness
Principles of Health & Safety in the Workplace
Principles of Risk Assessment
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Risk Assessment in Health and Social Care Environments
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Sharps Awareness
Slips, Trips and Falls
SOVA Safeguarding Adults
Stroke Awareness
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