In-house Training for Schools

Awareness of Diabetes
In-house course (3 hour) This 3 hour Awareness of Diabetes course develops knowledge and understanding of diabetes including risk factors for developing type 2 Diabetes. The treatment and management options for

Awareness of Epilepsy
In-house course – 3 Hour This 3 hour Awareness of Epilepsy course develops knowledge and understanding of epilepsy including management and support of individuals experiencing seizures. The course acknowledges the training recommendations

Basic Food Safety
In-house course – 3 Hour This half day (3 hour) Basic Food Safety course is designed to develop skills, knowledge and understanding the importance of good personal and workplace, responsibilities of food

Basic Manual Handling.
In-house course – 3 Hour This half day (3 hour) Manual Handling Awareness course is designed to introduce workers to the risks involved when moving and handling goods in the workplace. Delegates will

Children Safeguarding
In-house course One day or half day (3 hour) This course is designed to understand the legal, physical, emotional and organisational aspects of safeguarding according to “Working Together to Safeguard

CPR & Automated External Defibrillation
In-house course – 3 hour This half day (3 hour) CPR & AED course gives you the knowledge and confidence to deal with the event of a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia. The

Emergency Life Support – Basic First Aid
Inhouse course – 3 Hour This very popular 3 hour Emergency Life Support course has being designed to develop the knowledge and understanding of what to do in an emergency

Fire Safety Principles
Level 2 Award in Fire Safety Principles (QCF) 1 Day This one day (6 hour) Principles of Fire Safety Awareness course is designed to further the knowledge and understanding of

First Aid For Schools
In-house course – 1 Day This one day (6 hour) course covers relevant information needed to attend emergency first aid situations in a school environment involving school staff, visitors and children. The

First Aid For Sports
In-house course – 1 Day This one day (6 hour) First Aid for Sport course gives you the knowledge and skills to manage first aid in a sport environment. It also provides the

Food Safety in Catering
In-house course – 1 Day This one day (6 hour) Food Safety in Catering course is designed to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of the importance of good personal and

Health and Safety in the Workplace
In-house course – 1 Day This one day (6 hour) Health & Safety in the Workplace course is designed to raise awareness of health and safety and satisfies the legal requirement

Level 3 Emergency First Aid at Work
In-house course 1 day This one day (6 hour) Level 3 Emergency

Level 3 Emergency Paediatric First Aid
In-house course – 1 Day The one day Emergency Paediatric First Aid Course will give you the knowledge and confidence to deal with paediatric first aid emergencies. This course is vitally

Level 3 First Aid at Work Course
In-house course – 3 Day This 3 day First Aid at Work (FAW) course is a mandatory requirement for companies with a high hazard environment, larger sized organisations or companies whose risk assessment

Level 3 Paediatric First Aid (2 day)
In-house course – 2 Day This 12 hours course gives you the competence to provide care and manage life threatening conditions, illness and injuries in an early years setting. It offers

Managing Medicines on School premises
Managing Medicines on the School Premises 1 day This one day (6 hour) course covers relevant information needed to manage and administer medicines on a school premises. The course covers the standards

Manual Handling Risk Assessment
In-house course – 1 Day This one day (6 hour) Manual Handling Risk Assessment course is designed to provide managers and supervisors the skills required to carry out an appropriate

Moving and Handling people
In-house course – 4 Hour This half day (4 hour) Moving and Handling people course is designed to give delegates knowledge, skills and confidence to deal with any situation that involves moving and handling people around

Prevention and Control of Infection
In-house course – 3 hours. This 3 hour course provides learners with the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of the prevention and control of infections including legislation, policies, systems

Principles of Health & Safety in the Workplace
In-house Course (4 hour) The Principles of Health and Safety in the Workplace

Risk Assessment
In-house Course – 2 Day This two day Risk Assessment course with distance learning elements is designed to provide thorough knowledge and understanding of the risks and consequences of accidents, injuries