Useful Links

Thank you for visiting us! Here are a few essential sites around the web that we highly recommend.

Asthma UK
All your questions answered on the knowledge and treatment of Asthma.

Diabetes UK
The leading UK charity that cares for, connects with and campaigns on behalf of all people affected by and at risk of diabetes. .

Epilepsy Action
Improve the lives of everyone affected by Epilepsy.

The Anaphylaxis Campaign
Helping people with severe allergies live their lives.

Stress Management
All you need to know about stress including causes, symptoms, diagnosis and effective ways to manage your stress..

British Safety Council
Health and safety advice.

Health & Safety Executive
HSE regulations

National Health Service
NHS Choices

Resuscitation Council (UK)
Information and reports.

Heart Attack Prevention Training and Consultations for Men
A must for businesses that want or need to educate their employees in caring for their hearts. Also, care and rehabilitation following a heart problem in the workplace.

Archive Safety News
Interesting workplace stories from around the world.

The National Archives (For all UK legislation)

Equalities and Human Rights Commissions

Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Office

Northern Ireland Assembly

Equality Commission for Northern Ireland

A step by step guide to COSHH assessment

www britain directory com

Education – Directory of UK Schools and educational institutes.