1. What are the aims of First Aid?
3. Write some examples of finding History. What do you need to know? What would you ask?
8. Write some of the signs and symptoms of concussion that you would look out for after a head injury.
10. When dealing with child CPR, which is the correct sequence of actions that you should take?
a) Assess, check for response, call for help, start CPR. b) Assess, check for response, open airway, check breathing, call 999, start CPR. c) Assess, open airway, check breathing, call 999, start CPR. d) Assess, check for response, open airway, call 999, start CPR.
12. What are the 4 main ways a poison can enter the body?
14. How would you help a child suffering from Sickle Cell Anaemia?
17. Bleeding, wounds and other injuries can lead to Shock. How would you identify Shock in a child after an injury?
19. What is the correct treatment for Sprains and Strains?
20. How would you safely cool a child if they were overheating?
24. How would you help a child in a diabetic emergency if they were Hypo (Hypoglycaemic)?
25. How would you help a child in a diabetic emergency if they were Hyper (Hyperglycaemic)?