In-house Bookings Terms And Conditions

In-house Bookings Terms and Conditions

It is our aim to train all candidates to the highest level of competence and skill required by training HSE syllabus approved.  We offer Ofsted, HSE and CQC compliant and accredited courses in the following areas:

  • First aid in the workplace
  • Health and Safety
  • Fire Safety
  • Food Safety
  • Health and Social Care

Please notice: an independent appointed monitor may be present during training. This is a normal legal procedure for all instructors to ensure the very highest level of education.

Employer / Student Guidelines

These courses are intensive and the student should ensure they attend each session in full.  Health & Safety Executive (HSE) require that all students make full attendance for statutory courses.
Grays Medic require full attendance for all other courses where a certificate is issued. Certain courses will have an entry test (verbal) to ascertain an attendees previous knowledge.

Regulated awards may have a written tests. Our courses have modules involving Question and Answer, practical and theory sessions. Participants are required to complete all the modules to the trainers satisfaction. We only train methods that have been officially proven to be safe and effective. We reserve the right to refuse certification if such person or persons are deemed to have failed to attend the full course syllabus. All attendees must be attentive and able to perform relevant practical procedures. Disruptive behaviour will not be permitted.

A suitable training room should be reserved with ample work space for practical sessions. Likewise, please consider the effect of distracting sounds and temperature when making this choice.

Students should dress casual and ladies are advised to avoid wearing skirts or dresses if at all possible for all course where practical floor work is involved. Note paper and pens are preferable to those who choose to undertake this method of learning. However, this should be the sole decision of the individual, which we shall respect.

Open and Private courses

Clients who do not want courses at their workplace may request that we use one of our sourced training rooms to run a private course. This will either have a set price or a minimum number of attendees, whichever is more acceptable to the client. As a private course this will be exclusively for employees only.

Open courses will be held at one of our training rooms which may vary in region from month to month. Places are limited, but once booked and paid for you are assured of your training day.


You have a cooling off period of 14 days in which time you can receive a full refund. If you have booked within this time, you can cancel up to 5 days before course commences, but not after. After this period a trainer has been reserved for each course booked, therefore should you wish to cancel a fee of £200 may be taken to cover trainer and office expenses.  Alternatively, you may decide to change the training date with no penalty involved.


All training dates are payable in advance unless otherwise agreed. Regular clients should make payment within 28 days of course completion.

Certificates remain the property of Grays Medic until payment is made. Nonpayment may lead to full certificate cancellation.


Account name……………. GRAYS MEDIC                           IBAN                    GB10 BARC 2031 0640 4078 95

Account number………….40407895                                     SWIFTBIC           BARCGB22

Sort Code………………… 20-31-06

Grays Medic is a specialist training company to commerce and industry.